Rainhold Messner lost his brother in the "nanga parvat" one of the most diffcult mountains in the himalaya and he lost 4 fingers for the frozen, he never can climinb like before but he never stop and give up even when he lose his brother in the mountain. Rainhold is an example about perseveration and superation in the life, he is the most respect climber in the world and he was the best on his field.

Another person that I would like to meet is a pro kayaker, his name is Ben Mar, he is one of the most better kayakers in the world, he has run some of the most diffcult and dangerous rapids and won many kayak championship. I like very much this sport the river kayaking and I admirated the people how run waterfalls like Ben Mar. he is an artist.
It sounds interesting, I hope you can know that people!
ResponderBorraryes that would be awesome
Borrar8000 mts mountains, wow, and I felt good for climbing Pochoco
ResponderBorrarwooo Ben Mar is the best kayaker! it's awesome when he run waterfalls